Sunday 7 November 2010

First week over...

So one week has passed and we are still surviving. We now have a slightly better idea of how our time commitments will pan out and are in the process of developing a routine. I will finish work around 5.30-6pm (except for when I have a complex patient, which I had on Wednesday and had to stay till 9.20pm with my consultant to sort out!) and Pong will probably finish work around 8-9pm. So we will probably have dinner on weekdays at my parents' place - it means I can spend time with my family while waiting for Pong to finish. My Saturday mornings are usually filled either with working (I do 1 in 3 Saturdays) or at a registrar teaching session (at least once a month) or attending some educational course. Then we may set aside Saturday lunch/ afternoon to spend with Pong's sister (and brother-in-law and two nephews. Sunday mornings will be taken up by church, and we will try to leave Sunday evenings for housework and preparing for work on Monday.

We are still exploring joining a housegroup - there is one possible group at church to join, but they have not been able to meet regularly as not enough people can make it. At the moment, they are meeting at 5pm on Saturdays so that it won't be so disruptive to other family and personal commitments.

Xinyi is also mooting the idea of having a bible study group that is similar to our CGS bible study group in Cambridge... but not sure when we will be able to fit that in. Ideally we should be trying to settle into housegroups in church rather than forming a bible study group outside church. But such a group may facilitate reaching out to non-Christians friends, as that is the means that we are used to and have found effective in the UK. It will also hopefully be a source of fellowship and encouragement for people in similar situations... the medical wives and civil servant husbands. :P

In terms of service, we have been asked and we have agreed to lead a "seekers' class" at church. We are planning to go through the first 5 chapters of John, following a Fisherman bible study guide which examines the claims of Jesus... with a view to running Christianity Explored in early 2011. We have also been asked to help out in teaching Sunday School in the new year.

All in all, do pray for wisdom about the above commitments, particularly for the seekers' class, that the right people will come and also that the week-to-week bible study discussions will be edifying and helpful.

Please also pray that we will be witnesses at our workplace. We are still settling into work at the moment, so we have more news on this front later. :o)

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