Saturday 30 October 2010

Pasar Malam

So Pasar Malams are travelling markets... the marquees are set up in a particular place for about 1 month and there are all sorts of stalls there, ranging from food stalls to clothes stalls and stalls selling special cleaning liquids that magically get rid of all sorts of stains. There is one just across the road from our place at the moment and here are some pictures of it.

The guy in the middle is demonstrating a cleaning product on a microphone and people are gathered around to listen to him and see what the product is all about.

An example of a food stall...

Another food stall....

This is a stall selling DVDs and CDs.

This is the ice cream man. It's a cooler box with wheels attached to a motor-cycle. It used to be attached to bicycles in the past. The ice cream usually comes in rectangular blocks which are cut into a rectangular block the size of an ice lolly... this block of ice cream is then sandwiched between two pieces of bread or between two pieces of thin wafers.

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