Sunday 17 October 2010

Our trip to KL

We went to Kuala Lumpur this weekend to visit our good friends. We set out from our home at 6.30am in the morning and took the bus to Copthorne Orchid hotel, where the "Nice" (Nice is the name of the coach company) coach to KL was departing from. Arrived at about 7.50am and enjoyed a complimentary cup of tea and a piece of cake before boarding the coach and leaving at 8.30am. The journey was meant to take 5 hours, but we took 6 hours instead to get to KL, probably because they have imposed speed limits and compulsory rest stops for drivers after a certain period of continuous driving time, following a major accident involving one of these coaches. 

It was nice to meet up with M and Y, and also to play with C and E who are now 7 months older than when we last saw them. C still remembers us although she was shy to start off with and needed about an hour to "warm up", after which she was quite happily playing with us... she remains very chatty and happy. E has grown up as well, and he LOVES to eat and will quite happily eat C's food, which C is only all to happy to share with E. Although E does not seem to be as chatty as C yet, he is very cute and they both seem to be getting on very well together.

No trip will be complete without a visit to the bookstores... so Pong went to three different bookstores even though we were in KL for just under 24 hours in total! And we bought some books too... in particular, we were very happy to find the book that Pong was hoping to get - a book that is either banned in Singapore or is just not sold in any of the bookstores in Singapore if it is not officially banned. It's titled "Once a jolly hangman"... get Pong to tell you what it's about - he is already more than two thirds way through the book as he was reading it on the coach back to Singapore.

However, to dispel the myth that we only buy books and nothing else, on Sunday after lunch, with 10min to spare, we went to a local bakery to get some cake and pastries for our families in Singapore... See? We do buy things other than books when we travel. :)

Anyway, we got so engrossed with spending time with our friends and shopping that we forgot to take any photos... so here's one of the "Nice" coach that we took from Singapore to KL.

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