Sunday 23 October 2011

Photos of Abigail's first 2 weeks

Abigail when she was born... with daddy holding her, and grandpa and grandma beside her. Mummy was lying on the operating table being stitched up.

Abigail playing with her mittens.

Abigail's favorite sleeping position... doesn't really like to be swaddled all the time.

Abigail thinking about how she likes the big world outside...

... and deciding it's quite hard work. She has to eat, poo, pee... and most of all she has to tell the people around her what she wants and they don't always understand what she is trying to say. Even so, the big world has people who love her and play with her. So maybe it's not so bad after all.

Abigail holding on to daddy's hand.

Abigail playing with her uncle's little fingers.

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