Monday 17 October 2011

Goh Rui En, Abigail

Born 11 October 2011 at 20:54, weighing 3.145kg

Goh is her surname, from her father.
Goh is the Teochew dialect pronunciation of 吴 (wu2) which is Wu in Mandarin.

Rui En is her Chinese name: 
睿 (rui4) as translated by google translate means farsighted, astute and perspicacious.
恩 (en1) means grace, kindness and favour.

Abigail is her English name, meaning "the father's joy". In 1 Samuel 25, she was an "intelligent and beautiful woman", but unfortunately married a fool whose life she saved. But when Nabal (the fool she married) heard about how Abigail saved his life, his heart failed him and he became unconscious and died ten days later. She then became the wife of King David. To read the whole story, go to

So her names can be variously positioned as follows:
Goh Rui En
吴睿恩  (wu2 rui4 en1)
Abigail Goh
Abigial Goh Rui En
Goh Rui En, Abigail

Her name in her birth certificate is Goh Rui En, Abigail

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