Wednesday 11 December 2013

Where have we been?

I was just looking at the date of the last post… 1 July 2012. Wow! That's a long time ago.

Since then…

Nathanael was born on 28 November 2012. Happy from day 1, smiling and laughing all the time… well, we like to remember the happy times and forget the hairy ones.

Very much loved by her sister Abigail, who doted on him a lot. 
She played with him...

And fed him milk...
Helped to put him to sleep...

What more can a father and mother ask for?

I wonder what secrets they tell each other when we are not listening...

And what mischief they get up to when we are not looking...

All in all, we have been very blessed to have 2 wonderful children.
Who are now all grown up...

Well, almost.

At least Nathanael is now old enough to wake his sister up when he wants to play with her.

I can't wait to see what the future has in store.
But I hope the future unfolds slowly so we can savor each beautiful moment.