Thursday 15 March 2012

Sunday 5 February 2012

Khoo teck puat hospital

I have just started work after 4 months of maternity leave. It feels strange... Not sure if I remember how to do things anymore. The first thing that felt strange was writing - I struggled to write in straight lines with letters of roughly the same size. It was very untidy indeed. But it's improving after a few days of writing and my colleagues are allowing me to have ample practice.

I am in khoo teck puat hospital for 3 months. It's a beautiful hospital with friendly people. The pace is slower as well, which is nice for a first job after a long leave. But it is very far from where I live, well it is far by singapore standards at least. I take an hour to get to work by public transport. If I had a car it would take about half an hour but it's too expensive to have a car here.

And this is the pond just beside the hospital.

Friday 3 February 2012

Abi when she is sleeping

We are very fortunate to have a baby that sleeps well generally. She now sleeps about 10 hours at night - from around 10pm till 8am.

Another photo of Abi

This is a tryout - to see if I can blog from my phone.

posted from Bloggeroid

Friday 27 January 2012

Just in case you think Abi isn't happy...

... here is a picture of her laughing. It is just more difficult to capture a happy expression. Smiles are fleeting, laughs are transient and precious. Yet the memory of Abi being happy is stronger and just the thought of Abi smiling brings a smile to Mummy and Daddy's face too.

Playing with both hands

Something we take for granted, but little Abi has only just started to use both hands to play with the same toy.

If a baby's personality...

... shows itself from a very young age, I wonder what this has to say about Abi's personality.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year was on 23 January and Abi has done really well traveling around to visit her relatives. Along the way, she has also borrowed the beds of others for a power nap before heading off to the next location.

There is also this thing about babies wearing socks. Although Singapore has a hot and tropical climate, babies still need to wear socks to conserve their heat, which supposedly leaves the body through the soles of the feet. And as you can see, Abi didn't wear socks as Mummy and Daddy forgot, so we duly got "scolded" by various relatives along the way. :P

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Getting more fun to look after

Abigail is now more fun to look after. She is very interested in what is going around her and will respond to you more as well. Here is a video of her getting excited about her cot mobile.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Learning how to read...

Some people say it's never too young to learn how to read. I hope Abi turns out to love reading.